Tag Archives: adventure

How to Plan Your Perfect Christmas Party Adventure

Christmas. It’s really coming and those all-important end-of-year wrap ups are looming! We know what the gift of adventuring gives, so it’s time to snap out of that traditional party format, take them OUT- adventuring, touring, tasting and experiencing.

It’s time to inspire your team – create a memorable, bonding experience that will keep them talking, laughing and challenging themselves. At Byron Bay Adventure Tours we specialise in taking ordinary people and getting them to see and do extraordinary things. With the help of our local partners we not only showcase the incredible natural beauty of our region but also take people on a journey, helping to bring out the best in your team, which can unveil some amazing results.


Know Your Group

What’s your demographic? What ages to they vary? More sightseeing than adventure seeking? Our Big Day Out Tour explores the Nightcap National Park, including a rainforest walk to the base of spectacular Minyon Falls and visit to the charming village of Bangalow. More thrill seekers in your group? Try Earth to Surf Adventure Tour incorporating a Go Sea Kayak around the cape, sighting dolphins and the spectacular coastline before heading off to explore the beauty of Minyon Falls.

Unique Challenges

Why not incorporate some interesting and fun ways to challenge your team? Working in teams to get to the top with our Mt Warning Sunrise Tour? Which team will be the first to catch the last wave home on our kayak adventure – the Ocean to Summit Tour. Combine team building activities with a walk to the base of majestic Minyon Falls on our Waves to Waterfalls Adventure. The options are endless and the opportunities are a plenty! We can create something completely unique to your group.

The Benefits?

Find out what really motivates your crew. Healthy competition can be a great motivator! What will they learn that they can take home with them? Are there born leaders in the group? Team players? Ones that need to work on their communication skills? Make tangible rewards to give real incentives to inspire your group or just to say thanks! Maybe learn to surf, a kayak adventure, chasing waterfalls, or even a night under the Mt Warning stars. 


Byron Bay is the quintessential destination for a truly unforgettable team building Christmas experience. The magical region is bathed in natural beauty, sunshine for the soul, panoramic hinterland vistas, hikes and impressive waterfalls. We have all the elements for one truly amazing adventure! Invest in your people and the returns will be GREAT.

Let’s get the Adventure Started!

Yep. Talk to us! We really are the experts in adventure, team building and creating unique personalised group experiences. Make it fun, make action packed, make it memorable and engaging. We’ll set the backdrop, bring the gear, pack the tent, light the fire, and serve the delicious local food. Break the Christmas mould, try something new, exciting and let Byron Bay Adventure Tours do the rest!

Is Nature Therapy a Thing?

woman silhouette with hands outstretched in wheat field

Looking for inspiration from Dr Google today, I stumbled upon the term “nature therapy.” No, itds not a faddish term coined by a business-minded psychologist with some leafy plants in their consulting rooms.  Its a field of health treatment describing the benefits to our mind, body and spirit  of participating in outdoor activities and immersing in nature.

Also known as green therapy or ecotherapy, there’s a growing body of research evidence that it is effective in treating a whole raft of mental and physical health issues that afflict society today.  There are the obvious benefits of physical exercise like walking, running, cycling and swimming, sunlight on your skin and fresh air in your lungs. But connecting with and exploring our relationship with nature has been used effectively to treat depression and anxiety, manage anger, improve confidence and self-esteem and increase emotional resilience.  There’s a school of thought that stress is the root cause of lots of diseases of the body and mind, and there’s no doubt that taking a hike or a bushwalk, observing and listening to nature,  being in, on or under the ocean and interacting with animals calms, soothes and uplifts us.

I started Byron Bay Adventure Tours  from a love of exploring wild and beautiful places, and an idea that I could contribute to their conservation through an eco-tourism business. Ecotherapy, green therapy, nature therapy, the great outdoors, whatever its called I’m glad its what we do and love.

Read more about nature therapy from this article on Goodtherapy.org

Get more info on all of our nature and adventure experiences here.